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The Power of Workplace Bonds: Gamification’s Role in Delivering CX Success and So Much More

September 27, 2024

Isn’t there something special about those days at work when you connect in an unexpected way with a colleague or celebrate an exceptional – or even minor, team win? When was the last time you experienced that feeling (I hope, today!)? As it turns out, these moments not only make you feel good, but are vital for organizational success.

Michael Arena and Aaron Chasan's recent HR Exchange Network article sheds light on how workplace connection and friendship is a key driver of employee retention. Their findings are compelling:

⚡ 76% of employees with close work friends are more likely to stay

⚡ Employees with fewer connections are at higher risk of turnover

⚡ Fostering these connections can reduce turnover risk by up to 140%

At TouchPoint One , this research validates our approach to empowering customer contact organizations with actionable performance management and employee engagement solutions that make great workforce cultures possible — and drive better CX and business outcomes. A-GAME Leagues, for example, focuses on building the vital connections discussed in this article within CX teams. Here are at least a few ways this novel gamification solution does so:

1️. Leagues brings agents and executives together, breaking down hierarchical barriers through shared goals.

2️. Cross-department team structures foster collaboration, helping to dissolve silos naturally.

3️. We create a sense of belonging through team-based initiatives and shared achievements.

4️. Our analytics tools help identify potentially isolated employees, and development and process improvement opportunities, allowing for proactive engagement and improved performance management.

5️. Our platform enables performance-based recognition that transcends traditional hierarchies, allowing frontline agents to shine alongside executives in a shared competitive space.

Arena and Chasan highlight an important point: retaining top talent is about creating an environment where meaningful connections can flourish.

At TouchPoint One, we're committed to translating these insights into practical solutions for CX organizations. A-GAME Leagues is certainly one part performance management tool, but even more, it’s a catalyst for building the kind of workplace connections that drive success and satisfaction.

On a personal note - beyond the business metrics and strategies, there's a fundamental, universal truth (my favorite kind):

"Nothing should stop you or your team from having a great day – every day. It's helpful for someone to be there - to remind you that many of the barriers you see and feel, perhaps very deeply, are imaginary. And that the ones that are real can be overcome together. So, empower yourself and your people with the connection and relationships that enable the empathy, compassion, cooperation, and collaboration that make great things possible – that enable success and happiness for all."

😍 This is the heart of what we strive for at TouchPoint One. We believe that by fostering these connections we not only improve CX operations – but contribute to more fulfilling work lives for everyone involved.

If you're interested in exploring how A-GAME Leagues could enhance workplace connections and improve retention in your contact center, we can help. If gamification is a priority for 2025 and you’re wondering if there’s something more than the prevailing stale leader boards and sedative gamification experiences, A-GAME Leagues is for you. Contact us for a demo today.

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