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How Can We Address the CX Workforce Confidence Gap?

June 20, 2024

Recent data from Glassdoor’s Employee Confidence Index reveals a troubling trend. U.S. workers are experiencing a significant gap between expectations and reality, with only 46.4% of professionals reporting a positive six-month business outlook. This decline in confidence stems from diminishing satisfaction with leadership transparency and communication, especially in the post-pandemic era.

In a recent Forbes article, WeCruitr Founder and CEO, Jack Kelly brilliantly highlighted the insights from Glassdoor’s study, underscoring the critical challenge facing all organizations, and in our view customer contact operations in particular: fostering engagement, collaboration, and a shared purpose among their workforce. Kelly’s interpretation and strategic guidance are invaluable as we navigate these challenges. Please check out Jack’s excellent piece here.

At TouchPoint One, we believe there’s a direct solution to the challenges Jack outlines. Our A-GAME Leagues platform is designed to address these exact issues within the customer contact space by fostering leadership accountability and employee engagement through gamification.

A-GAME Leagues is the only contact center gamification solution that employs a fantasy sports model to drive engagement, camaraderie, and performance across all levels of the CX workforce. At the core of A-GAME Leagues is the Xtreme league, where senior executives and company leaders draft teams comprised of front-line customer service agents. This unorthodox composition immediately creates a sense of interdependence – the leaders' success hinges on actively supporting and developing the agents on their "fantasy-style" drafted teams.

The Xtreme league draft process requires team owners to select agents from different performance tiers, ensuring that their teams mirror the natural performance distribution found in standard teams. By managing teams that resemble real-world performance dynamics, Xtreme team owners gain a more authentic experience of the challenges and opportunities involved in leading and developing diverse talent.

Leadership Unleashed – How Executives Are Changing the Game for EX and CX

Integrating AI with human-centric strategies, A-GAME Leagues transforms executive involvement into an engaging and dynamic process. This platform directly involves senior leaders in the daily operations of their teams through a competitive, fun, and strategic environment.
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Key Features:

  1. A-GAME Leagues Gridiron Season X: Kicking off this fall, this American-style football version of A-GAME Leagues will offer a unique opportunity to reverse the negative employee perspectives undermining our CX operations.
  2. Xtreme Team Owner Power Ranking: This feature measures senior leaders' engagement and effectiveness, promoting a culture of accountability through fun and strategic play.
  3. A-GAME Wager: Adds excitement by allowing frontline and senior leaders to place bets on weekly matchups, enhancing engagement and camaraderie.

Proven Outcomes: Our innovative approach ensures that leadership actions directly contribute to improving employee satisfaction and organizational performance. Notably, a recent deployment of A-GAME Leagues at a Fortune 50 healthcare company resulted in a 200% increase in balanced scorecard performance for participating agents. Similarly, in a global BPO organization, agents in both standard and Xtreme teams showed substantial performance improvements, with a 54% increase for those in the program.

“As a CX executive with more years of experience than I care to admit, I can confidently say that participating in A-GAME Leagues has been one of the most personally fulfilling experiences of my career.” — Lissa Love, Chief Client Officer, Aucera (formerly DialAmerica)

At a major receivables management provider, A-GAME Leagues facilitated:

  • A 76% drop in employee attrition
  • A 28% boost in balanced scores
  • A 64% increase in dollars collected per hour
  • An 11% improvement in quality metrics

These results underscore the transformative impact of TouchPoint One gamification on workforce engagement and performance.

As CEO of TouchPoint One, I am deeply committed to reversing the decline in workplace, and more broadly, societal trust that is plaguing our businesses and communities. Executive action and engagement are essential. Facilitating connection—providing mechanisms for meaningful, business-aligned, and supportive interactions that enable both the frontline and C-level to be seen, recognized, and fulfilled—is a powerful place to start. For CX organizations, A-GAME Leagues makes this vision a reality.

Join us in transforming your CX workplace and get you’re A-GAME Leagues Gridiron X league set up today! Reach out to learn more and schedule a software demo. We can redefine employee engagement and leadership accountability together and permanently restore workplace confidence, trust, and performance.

Learn More: Leadership Unleashed – How Executives Are Changing the Game for EX and CX -

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