Leveraging Gamification for Effective Coaching: A Guide for Contact Center Supervisors

20 - 30 mins


As a Customer Contact Supervisor, you have the power to make work more engaging, motivating, and fun for your team. One way to do this is through gamification. Gamification involves applying game-design elements and principles in non-game contexts, such as the workplace. This guide will provide an overview of how you can incorporate gamification into your coaching and support strategies to enhance agent performance, engagement, and satisfaction.

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1. Understanding Gamification:

Gamification can be implemented in various ways, from top-down standardized incentive and reward systems to agent-level or team-level competitions. It can involve rewarding achievements with points, badges, or other forms of recognition, setting up friendly competitions, or creating progress charts that visually track improvement.


  • Understand the different types of gamification.
  • Identify which type(s) would be most effective for your team.

2. Aligning Gamification with Key Metrics:

The success of your gamification strategy hinges on aligning game scoring with the metrics that contribute to meeting customer and organizational goals. This ensures that the behaviors being rewarded are those that drive success.


  • Identify the key metrics that contribute to customer and organizational goals.
  • Align game scoring with these key metrics.

3. Incorporating Gamification into Coaching:

Gamification can be a powerful tool in your coaching toolkit. It can make learning more engaging, motivate agents to improve their performance, and foster a sense of camaraderie and friendly competition among your team.


  • Identify specific skills or behaviors that could be improved through gamification.
  • Develop a gamification strategy that aligns with your coaching objectives.
  • Communicate the gamification plan to your team and ensure they understand how it works.

4. Flexibility in Gamification:

Gamification can be flexibly implemented in respect to time (length of initiative), target (members of the workforce to be motivated or incentivized), and purpose (what outcome/s we're trying to achieve). For example, you might run a short-term competition to boost a specific metric, or a long-term program to foster continuous improvement.


  • Determine the length of your gamification initiative.
  • Identify the members of the workforce to be motivated or incentivized.
  • Define the outcomes you're trying to achieve through gamification.

5. Reviewing and Adjusting Your Gamification Strategy:

Just like with any other aspect of coaching, it's important to regularly review and adjust your gamification strategy based on its effectiveness and your team's feedback.


  • Regularly review the effectiveness of your gamification strategy.
  • Seek feedback from your team on the gamification elements.
  • Adjust your gamification strategy as necessary.

6. Trusting the Process and Believing in Yourself:

As with all aspects of your role as a supervisor, trust in the process and belief in your own abilities are crucial. Your skills and effectiveness as a supervisor will improve over time with practice and experience. As you grow in your role, your impact on your team, the customers you serve, and the overall success of your organization will increase.


  • Trust in the gamification process.
  • Believe in your ability to effectively implement gamification.
  • Recognize that your skills and effectiveness will improve over time.

7. Keeping Gamification Fresh:

Just as variety is the spice of life, it's also key to successful gamification. If you continuously employ the same strategies, your team may become bored and disengaged, which can diminish your credibility and team performance. To keep things fresh, regularly introduce new game elements, challenges, and rewards.


  • Regularly introduce new game elements and challenges.
  • Change up the rewards to keep them exciting and desirable.
  • Seek feedback from your team on what they enjoy and what they'd like to see in the future.

8. Coordinating Gamification Efforts:

Successful gamification requires coordination with other stakeholders in the contact center. This ensures cohesiveness and alignment across departments and purpose. As a supervisor, you should advocate for employee engagement support at the team/local level, including budgets (even if not large), organizational messaging, and senior management support (and ideally, their direct participation).


  • Coordinate with other stakeholders in the contact center.
  • Advocate for employee engagement support at the team/local level.
  • Seek budgetary support for gamification efforts.
  • Ensure organizational messaging supports your gamification initiatives.
  • Seek senior management support and participation in gamification efforts.

Your Path to Mastery: Debunking Myths and Celebrating Your Commitment to Learn

Objection 1: "Gamification is just a gimmick. It won't have any real impact on performance."

Rebuttal: While it's true that gamification can be fun and engaging, it's far from a gimmick. Numerous studies have shown that gamification can have a significant impact on motivation, engagement, and performance. By turning work into a game, you can tap into your team's natural desire for competition, achievement, and recognition, leading to improved performance and productivity.

Objection 2: "Gamification will distract from the real work."

Rebuttal: When implemented correctly, gamification should enhance the work, not distract from it. The key is to align the game mechanics with your team's goals and KPIs. This way, every point earned, badge awarded, or level reached represents real progress towards your team's objectives.

Objection 3: "Not everyone is competitive. Gamification won't work for my team."

Rebuttal: It's true that not everyone is motivated by competition. However, gamification isn't just about competition. It can also involve elements of collaboration, learning, and progress. Plus, you can tailor your gamification strategy to suit your team's preferences and motivations. For example, you might focus more on cooperative games or personal progress tracking for less competitive team members.

Objection 4: "Implementing gamification seems complicated and time-consuming."

Rebuttal: While it's true that implementing gamification can require some upfront effort, platforms like Acuity can make the process much simpler. Acuity provides a range of gamification tools and features that are easy to use and customize. Plus, the potential benefits in terms of improved engagement and performance can more than justify the initial investment of time and resources.

Objection 5: "I'm not sure how to measure the impact of gamification."

Rebuttal: Measuring the impact of gamification can be as straightforward as tracking changes in the metrics that your games are designed to influence. For example, if you implement a game to improve call handling time, you can measure the impact by looking at changes in this metric. Acuity's comprehensive performance management platform can help you track these and other relevant metrics, making it easy to assess the effectiveness of your gamification efforts.

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